Batman Forever

Batman Forever was the top grossing movie in 1995.  I read that on Netflix’s description, so I believe it to be true.  Unfortunately for Joel Shumacher, that is not its legacy.  Its legacy is a song.  It is a song that will get stuck in your head, burrow down deep, and not go away for days. Continue reading

Batman Returns

Batman Returns does not elicit the same sense of nostalgia for me that Batman does, so it should be easier to remain objective.  This one is again directed by Tim Burton and stars Michael Keaton (Jack Frost, Herbie: Fully Loaded). One clear memory I have from 1992, regarding the movie, is one of my dad’s friends complaining about the movie’s content.  I think he wrote a letter to someone (I have no idea to whom).  Despite the controversy that mostly went over my head, I saw the movie.

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Batman: How A Geek is Grown

I am a Batman fan.  For most of you reading this, that is not a revelation.  I am excited for The Dark Knight Rises next month, and so I have convinced my wife to watch all of the previous Batman movies with me, starting with Tim Burton’s Batman.  I thought it would be fun to write about the experience and to share along the way what it is about the Caped Crusader that so draws me to him.

Beware, it is about to get very nerdy.

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